Eisenhower and the Art of Collaborative Leadership
Kenneth Weisbrode
Not Available
Notions of Otherness
Mark AxelrodSokolov
Multicriteria Analysis for Environmental Decision-Making
Davide Geneletti
The Making of the Modern Chinese Navy
Bruce A Elleman
Theatricality in the Horror Film
André Loiselle
Bauman, Elias and Latour on Modernity and Its Alternatives
Sandro Segre
Four Augustan Science Poets: Abraham Cowley, James Thomson, Henry Brooke, Erasmus Darwin
Richard Hillyer
The Domains of Identity
Kaliya Young
Dispossession and the Making of Jedda
Catherine Kevin
Climate Change and the Future of Seattle
Yonn Dierwechter
Tennessee Williams, T-Shirt Modernism and the Refashionings of Theater
S E Gontarski
Collective Complaints As a Means for Protecting Social Rights in Europe
Giuseppe Palmisano
Authoritarian Collectivism and 'Real Socialism'
Jose Mauricio Domingues
Gothic Kernow: Cornwall as Strange Fiction
Ruth Heholt and 1 more
The Gothic Literature and History of New England
Faye Ringel
Changes in the Higher Education Sector
Khalid Khan and 2 more
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Tasos Leivaditis' Triptych
Tasos Leivadites and 1 more
Uncertainty Bands
Ashot Tavadyan
The importance of sentiment in promoting reasonableness in children
Michael S Pritchard
Shakespeare's "The Comedy of Errors"
Arthur Asa Berger
A Narrative of Cultural Encounter in Southern China
Hugh R Clark
The Dao of Civilization
Freya Mathews
The Origin and Development of Dougong and Zaojing in Early China
Jing Xie
Peruvian Foreign Policy in the Modern Era
Ronald Bruce St John
Balancing Work and New Parenthood
Guzyal Hill and 1 more
Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, Princess Isabel and the Ending of Servile Labour in Russia and Brazil
Shane ORourke
The Impact of Coincidence in Modern American, British, and Asian History
Human Rights, Security Politics and Embodiment
Aneira J Edmunds
California Gothic
Charles L Crow
Ways of practical wisdom
Bart Nooteboom
A Genealogy of Method
Sondra L Hausner
What Was the First Bible Like?
Tomas Bokedal
Ralph Ellison and Cinema
Sam Halliday
Doing Sociology Through Film and Literature
John Goodwin and 1 more
Postal Data Analysis and US Economic History in the 19th Century
Robert Dimand and 4 more